Artificial Intelligence Hackathon

Unlock the potential for innovation within your organization through our AI Hackathon. Address your business challenges by translating ideas into practical solutions.
Guidance by our team of Artificial Intelligence experts
Proven track record in helping businesses automate tasks with AI
AI Hackathon example with AI Hackathon overlay text

Maintaining Innovation is Challenging

Spark creativity and drive innovation with our AI Hackathon, where our AI experts guide your team in transforming challenges they are facing into practical, innovative, AI solutions, boosting efficiency and competitiveness.
Nick, AI Expert at DataNorth

Experts in Artificial Intelligence

Meet Nick, he’s an AI expert at DataNorth and one of our trainers that assists during in-company Hackathons about Artificial Intelligence. 

Our experts are highly educated in AI. Besides giving AI Hackathons, our Experts build and implement the most advanced AI solutions for our clients.

The Benefits of AI Hackathon

Foster innovation
Spark creativity and fresh ideas, driving innovation within your organization.
Enhance your AI skills
Empower your team with knowledge and practical experience with AI.
Create solutions
Develop actionable solutions, improving efficiency and effectiveness.

AI Hackathon by DataNorth

Work in teams to solve internal business challenges using AI, while being assisted by an AI-consultant/expert. 

Foster innovation, creativity, and hands-on use of AI tools, while being in a collaborative and time-constrained setting. No matter your technological background, an AI hackathon creates an environment where your employees can learn, experiment, and create solutions. Enhancing their skills and experience with AI.  
We, DataNorth, help you climb the mountain and become a in the front of your industry using AIaaS

Unleash the potential of AI in your organization!
Let’s get started with your Hackathon!

“With our experienced team of experts, 
we can provide you with the best AI Hackathon for your organization!”
Menno Fokkema
Managing Consultant, DataNorth

AI Hackathon Pricing

Custom quote
Also available for US clients
Get in Touch
An in-company AI Hackathon
A 1 or 2 day Hackathon about creating and thinking of AI-powered solutions to your challenges
Fully customizable AI Hackathon
For various sizes of groups or teams

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

Feel free to contact us.
Let's talk over the phone!
We love to explain more about DataNorth AI Consulting via a short phone call. Leave your contact details below and we will get in touch with you!
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We are available for calls in English and Dutch during office hours (CEST timezone). You can reach us at +31 50 2111631.
Let’s unlock the power of AI together with your team in an AI Hackathon!
+31 50 2111631

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI Hackathon?

An AI Hackathon is an event where teams work together to solve business challenges using Artificial Intelligence, guided by AI experts, in a collaborative setting. 

The goal is to foster innovation, creativity, and hands-on use of AI tools to develop practical solutions that improve efficiency and effectiveness within an organization.

During an AI Hackathon, participants from various technological backgrounds come together to learn, experiment, and create AI-powered solutions. 

The event is typically 1-2 days long and can be fully customized based on the organization’s needs and team sizes. 

Some key benefits of an AI Hackathon include: 
– Sparking fresh ideas and driving innovation
– Enhancing the team’s AI skills and experience
– Developing actionable solutions to real business challenges

An AI Hackathon could be the perfect solution for your company. It’s an opportunity to climb to the forefront of your industry by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence together with your team.

What skill level is required to participate in the AI Hackathon?

Our AI Hackathon is designed to be accessible for participants with a range of skill levels. While some coding or technical knowledge is helpful, it’s not a requirement.

Our AI experts will provide guidance and support throughout the event to help all participants learn and create AI solutions.

What kind of challenges or problems will be tackled during the Hackathon?

The specific challenges will be tailored to your organization’s needs and goals. Common themes include process automation, data analytics, content creation with ChatGPT, generating images using Midjourney, and much more!

We’ll work with you to identify key business problems that could be solved with AI.

Can employees from different departments or roles participate?

Absolutely! Cross-functional collaboration is encouraged. Having a mix of technical and business expertise on each team helps ensure the solutions are not only technically feasible but aligned with real-world needs. It’s also a great opportunity for employees to learn from one another.