ML Consulting Services

Leverage professional machine learning consulting services and become a frontrunner in AI. Automate your workflows and streamline processes to enhance efficiency and productivity.
Consultancy by a team of AI and ML experts
ISO 9001 & 27001 quality and data security standards

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

Feel free to contact us.

ML Consulting for Your Organization

DataNorth helps organizations around the world maximize machine learnings potential. We achieve this by offering a range of services, guaranteeing personalized guidance for your needs.

Let’s unlock the potential of ChatGPT for your organization.
Consultant doing Machine Learning consultancy

20-hour Consultancy Package: Expert help where you need it

Need help with your current or future Machine Learning project? With our 20-hour consultancy package our Machine Learning experts help your project succeed.

Get questions answered, assistance to find opportunities, or outsider perspective. Our ML experts got you covered.

Machine Learning Workshop: Getting started with ML

Can’t wait to start to learn about Machine Learning, but not sure where to begin? Our ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’ training & workshop is the perfect start of your journey.

Gain valuable insights into what Machine Learning is and what it can mean for your organization. Work together with our AI experts. Learn more.
AI expert giving a Machine Learning workshop
“With our experienced team of experts, 
we can provide you with the best ML consulting services.”
Menno Fokkema
Managing Consultant, DataNorth
A live demo of Machine Learning

Inspirational Machine Learning Demo: Get live inspired to use ML

Want get your employees or audience excited about Machine Learning? Our team of experts at DataNorth specialize in demonstrating Machine Learning live. 

Get a customized demonstration tailored to your specific audience. Show the transformative power of Machine Learning and see what it can do for you. Learn more.

Machine Learning Assessment: Identify the opportunities and risks of Machine Learning

Ready to start using Machine Learning in your company but unsure how to start? Our fully customized Machine Learning Assessment is designed to find the best opportunities for your organization.

By evaluating five key departments, our experts will identify both opportunities and risks. We finish with a report and a final consultation to guide you forward integrating Machine Learning. 
AI experts doing a Machine Learning assessment

We Take Your Data Privacy & Security Seriously

Our solutions can be developed for both cloud and on-premise deployment.

Get Your Machine Learning Consulting Services

Don’t wait any longer! Get ahead of your competitors with our ML consulting.
Whether you’re focused on predictive analytics, customer segmentation, or optimizing supply chain operations, our team of experts possesses the essential knowledge and experience to help you meet your objectives.
Also available for US clients at $
20-hour Consultancy Package
Make use of our 20 hours ML consulting services
Consultancy by our DataNorth AI experts
Getting started with Machine Learning or get help for live or in-development Machine Learning projects
Need more Machine Learning consultancy hours?
Contact us for a quote.
Also available for US clients at $
‘Introduction to Machine Learning’ training & workshop for 10 employees. Tailored to your business.
Both digital and on-location options available.
Optional travel & lodging expenses excluded. 
Also available for US clients at $
Inspirational live demo showing the future of ML, with real-world Machine Learning use-cases. Tailored to your audience.
Both digital and on-location options available.
Optional travel & lodging expenses excluded. 
Let's talk over the phone!
We love to explain more about DataNorth AI Consulting via a short phone call. Leave your contact details below and we will get in touch with you!
DataNorth - Call me Back - EN
We are available for calls in English and Dutch during office hours (CEST timezone). You can reach us at +31 50 2111631.
What Clients Say About Us
We were excited but cautious about adopting ChatGPT as the ‘new way of working’ across the board. DataNorth helped us pave the way.
Roey Dor
Chief Executive Officer @Obligo
DataNorth’s AI mailbox solution has enhanced our efficiency and solidified our innovation in the refurbished electronics sector.
Marco Koster
Purchase Manager @JC-Electronics
Let’s unlock the potential of your organization together with ML consulting!
+31 50 2111631

Frequently Asked Questions

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables systems to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.

It involves algorithms that analyze data, learn from that data, and then make decisions or predictions based on what they have learned.

Why is machine learning consulting important?

ML consulting is important because it provides businesses with expert guidance on how to leverage machine learning technologies to improve decision-making, automate processes, and gain competitive advantages.

DataNorth consultants help identify valuable data-driven opportunities, design and implement suitable machine learning models, and ensure that these initiatives align with your organizations goals, thereby enhancing efficiency, innovation, and profitability.

How does DataNorth ensure privacy and security in its ML solutions?

DataNorth ensures privacy and security in its ML solutions by adhering to stringent standards, including GDPR compliance and ISO certification.

GDPR compliance ensures that data is processed lawfully, transparently, and securely, protecting personal data throughout its lifecycle.

ISO certification demonstrates that DataNorth has established comprehensive information security management systems to safeguard data against unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss.

Contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.