Image & Document Quality Detection

Improve data extraction accuracy with the help of Klippa’s mobile scanning SDK and AI-powered OCR API. Say goodbye to unusable data.
Achieve up to 99% data extraction accuracy
ISO 9001 & 27001 quality and data security standards

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

Start with an online demo or contact us.

Automatically Detect & Improve Document Quality

Resolve the age-old “garbage in, garbage out” predicament by leveraging Klippa’s intelligent solutions. Process only high-quality sources with advanced scanning and image pre-processing.

Mobile Document Scanning for Quality Optimization

Simplify your workflow by integrating mobile document scanning SDK that offers image quality detection and optimization.
Capture any document on-the-go with a mobile device
Benefit from real-time user feedback for improved scanning
Automate image enhancement during the scanning process
Create data sources that are optimized for data extraction 

Smart Image Pre-Processing for Accurate OCR Results

Klippa’s OCR API enables you to improve image quality or receive feedback if further improvement of the document is not possible.
Straighten and correct the angle of all sent images
Turn sent images B&W to separate text from the background
Improve image quality by adjusting pixel intensity values
Analyze layouts to determine what kind of document is sent
OCR software

Curious How We Can Help You? Get in Touch With Us Today. 

Go Beyond AI Quality Detection With DocHorizon

Explore other capabilities of Klippa’s Intelligent Document Processing software. Our technology can help scale many document and data-related business processes.

Implement Klippa’s Solutions in Your Workflow

Klippa provides easy integration via our platform, API, or SDK, and broad compatibility with major platforms and tools. Our well-documented solutions guarantee a hassle-free and smooth experience.

Low-Code Platform

Easily create & automate your entire document workflow on one IDP platform.

API Integration

Connect our IDP modules to your own application(s) via API.

Mobile Scanning SDK

Employ our SDKs to empower your mobile applications with smart scanning.

We Take Your Data Privacy & Security Seriously

“It is extremely pleasant to work together with a party that is as ambitious as we are. The willingness and speed with which Klippa implemented specific modifications for us is impressive.”
Leon Backbier
IT Manager, Banijay Benelux
Let’s begin!
Let Klippa’s experts help you automate any document processing workflow with AI-powered solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Klippa’s software extract data from documents? 

Klippa uses a combination of AI technologies such as computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning. These AI technologies are used together with OCR to automate document processing.

How does it work exactly? It’s possible to go two routes: smart mobile scanning or AI image processing. You can use our scanning SDK to capture high-quality scans or send images or PDFs to us, and our technology will optimize their quality for seamless recognition.

As soon as we receive the picture or PDF, our OCR software will convert it to a TXT file. The parser takes the TXT which was extracted by the OCR in the previous step and converts it into JSON, using machine learning algorithms. Then, the JSON is returned as output from the API.

Additionally, Klippa has solutions for document classificationfraud detection and anonymization.

Contact us for more information.

Which document languages does Klippa support?

Currently, Klippa supports all Latin languages. Our engine performs best on receipts in English, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and French.

However, other languages can be supported on request. We’re open to training our machine learning models. If you have a specific case, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Is document processing with Klippa GDPR-compliant?

By default, Klippa does not store any customer data. Data is always processed under a data processing agreement (DPA) and all services from Klippa are compliant with GDPR. All data transfer is done via secure SSL connections.

Our servers are ISO-certified and by default located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Getting a custom server on a location of choice is possible in any location worldwide.

On a regular base, our security is tested via third-party penetration testing to ensure state-of-the-art security at all times.

How can I integrate Klippa’s document automation solutions?

Our APIs can be implemented into any software, web or mobile solution that you may be using. The main source of communication is JSON, so it is independent of specific programming languages.

Our mobile SDK have been built using native IOS (Swift) and native Android (Kotlin). This means they can be implemented into native apps, but they can also be wrapped for cross-platform languages such as Xamarin, ReactNative, Nativescript, Flutter, PhoneGap, Cordova, Ionic and more.

On our platform, you can access our APIs and configure your document workflows, as well as set up your own Human-in-the-loop process.

Klippa’s solutions are made in a developer-friendly way. It is well-documented, so that you can have all the information for successful implementation.