How Solvinity processes expense claims 50% faster

Discover how Solvinity is automating and digitizing their expense management, resulting in time and cost savings of 50%.
IT Services
350 employees

About Solvinity

Solvinity provides Secure Managed IT Services to organizations with high security requirements. With managed cloud solutions, the company supports (central) government, municipalities and organizations in financial and business services, such as the Ministry of Justice and Security, Police Netherlands, ING and ONVZ.

To save its own time and costs, Solvinity automated the expense reimbursement process with Klippa SpendControl. This resulted in faster and correct handling of the financial administration, which now leaves employees more time for more meaningful tasks.

Pain points of a manual process

Previously, the processing of expense claims was done entirely manually, leading to a large amount of paperwork and challenges for the team.

Maarten Kriek, Application Administrator at Solvinity, described the old process as follows: “We still literally had to physically pass by the desks of all employees to approve expense claims. As the number of employees grew, this no longer proved sustainable.” Receipts, invoices and expense claims were piling up and being processed less accurately because of the high workload.

This situation quickly became a burden for Solvinity, as the process was not only inefficient, but also difficult to scale. In assessing the situation, Solvinity identified the following pain points: 
Lots of paperwork and slow processes
Piles of declarations, some of which were even lost
Manually retyping everything led to typos
Lack of overview and control

Why Klippa SpendControl?

Solvinity searched Google for a solution to address these issues. They researched various digital solutions for the expense reimbursement process and considered a number of providers.

Klippa turned out to offer the most user-friendly solution and the contact was very pleasant. In addition, Klippa offered a seamless integration with AFAS so that data could be directly synchronized with the accounting system.

Another decisive factor was that Klippa SpendControl was faster than the competition and offered good value for money, which Maarten Kriek said was an important reason for choosing Klippa. 

How Solvinity is automating their expense management with Klippa

A quick and easy implementation process allowed the Solvinity team to quickly get up and running with Klippa SpendControl. Within 1 month, they were live with 250 users.

It was important for users to be able to claim expenses anywhere and in an easy way, as they are regularly on the road.

Klippa offered the ideal solution for this with a system equipped with OCR technology and a Google Maps integration to quickly submit mileage claims. The process for submitting expense claims now involves three simple steps:
The employee takes a picture of the receipt with the built-in camera function. For travel expenses, employees can even use the integrated Google Maps functionality.
He or she adds a description and Klippa’s OCR technology automatically fills in the relevant data, such as the total amount and VAT.
The employee checks the data and submits the expense claim, after which the claim is forwarded to the right person for approval.

The results of working with Klippa

Implementing Klippa SpendControl has helped Solvinity achieve its main goals of processing expense claims faster and more efficiently and maintaining an overview of the process.

Maarten Kriek: “Klippa allows our colleagues to focus on meaningful tasks instead of retyping receipts. We realize time savings of at least 50% as a result.”

With Klippa SpendControl, Solvinity enables its employees to: 
Save 50% in time and costs in the expense reimbursement process
Easily submit and approve expense claims anywhere, 24/7
Minimize filing errors thanks to OCR
Synchronize everything with proof of purchase at the touch of a button with AFAS
Easily log into Klippa with Single Sign On (SSO)
“Because of Klippa, we can do more work with less FTE. Without Klippa, we would have been stuck with the increasing number of employees in accounts payable.”
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