Increased Efficiency, Without Compromise

Eliminate manual spend processing by integrating Klippa SpendControl with your existing accounting or ERP software.
ISO-Certified and GDPR-Compliant Software
Integration with SSO systems like Okta & Microsoft Entra ID

Trusted by 1000+ innovators and finance leaders worldwide

Enjoy Hassle-Free Spend Processing

Effortlessly capture, process, and approve receipts, invoices, and credit card transactions with SpendControl.

Bridge the Accounting Gap

Use automated pre-accounting software to save time and money on expense processing while keeping your trusted accounting or ERP systems. 

Increase efficiency and employee satisfaction by ditching manual paperwork and dedicating time to tasks that truly matter.
Integration for accounting and ERP software
Pre-accounting integration for accounting and ERP software

No Paper, Only Actionable Data

Sync with SpendControl to digitally process and approve employee expenses and vendor invoices all in one platform. 

Automatically book validated, authorized, and structured data to your bookkeeping system, reducing hours-long processes to just a few clicks.

Secure User Management

Are you using multiple accounting or ERP systems? Integrate them all with SpendControl to achieve a seamless workflow for all your spend management needs.

Safeguard user authentication and simplify onboarding by integrating our software with the most popular SSO and identity management applications.
Identity management and SSO integrations

Why Modern Finance Teams Choose SpendControl

  • 99%

    correct data extraction by Klippa’s leading OCR
  • 70%

    of time saving on processing
  • 100%

    insights into your operational expenses
  • 20+

    integration possibilities
    to connect with


Reconcile accounts in minutes, not days. 

Enterprise Resource Planning

Achieve a 360° view of your business operations.

Single Sign-On & Identity Management

Increase data accessibility and security.

We Take Your Data Privacy & Security Seriously

Spend Smarter, Not Harder.

Empower your finance team with SpendControl, ensuring they focus on impactful work rather than mundane tasks.