Payslip OCR

Enhance the effectiveness of your organisation with Optical Character Recognition and machine learning. Process payslips automatically and securely with Klippa.

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

Start with an online demo or contact us.

What we can do with payslips

Our machine learning technology can automate many salary slip related business processes via our APIs and SDKs.
Payslip scanning
Payslip format and quality conversions
Payslip to text, CSV, XLSX, XML or JSON with OCR
Data extraction on payslips
Classifying payslips and payslip data
(Cross)Validating payslip data
Payslip management
Workflow optimisation

Payslip data extraction

An image speaks more than a thousand words. Below is an example of the three steps our OCR engine takes to automatically extract data from payslips.

Uploading payslips to the API

The first step is providing a picture or a PDF file of a payslip to our API. Usually this is done from a mobile app, email, FTP or web application.

Image to text using OCR

As soon as a payslip has been received, it is converted to a TXT file. In this step all the text from the document is extracted, but it is not yet structured.

Getting JSON output from the API

The Klippa Parser takes the TXT gained from the OCR in step 2 and converts it into structured JSON using machine learning. The JSON is then returned as output from the API. From here the data can easily be processed into your database. 

The image on the left is a simplified example of the JSON response.
Reduce cost
Spend less on processing salary checks using Klippa.
Improve speed
Process payslips automatically within seconds. Perfect for RPA, accounting and loan application processing.
Reduce errors
Prevent manual data entry errors with high quality data extraction.
Prevent fraud
Automatically recognise errors, duplicates and fraud.
What salary slip fields are extracted?
Below the data fields that can be extracted are listed. These can be customised for each customer. On request additional fields can also be extracted.
Net salary
Gross salary
Bank account
Employer name
Employer address
Employee name
Employee number
Employee address
Salary period
Date of birth
Days worked
Hours worked
In / out service date
Hourly rate
Tax rate
Date of issue
And many more fields
Let's talk over the phone!
We love to explain more about Klippa via a short phone call. If you want us to call you back, just pick a date and time that suits you best.
Klippa - Call Me Back - EN
We are available for calls in English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch during office hours (CET time zone). You can reach us at +44 330 828 0642.

Frequently Asked Questions

What languages payslips can Klippa process?
Klippa supports many different languages. Common languages like English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian are supported. Besides those languages Russian and Hebrew are also supported. Other languages with the latin alfabet can also be supported on request. 
Is it possible to extract additional payslip data fields?
Klippa can extract any field that you see on a document. Besides the information that you can see, Klippa can classify and validate information that you can not even see on the document. So whatever your use case for payslip processing is, just reach out to us. 

Did you know that apart from payslips, Klippa OCR can scan other types of financial documents, such as credit card statements, bank statements, and SEPA authorizations? Contact us for more information.
What are common use cases for payslip text extraction?
Common use cases are payment automation, administrative process automation, loan application automation and accounts payable automation. In many cases RPA is also involved in the process. 
Please feel free to ask all your questions.
 Get in touch by mail, phone or chat!
+31 50 2111631